
Showing posts from November, 2021

What are Different Types of Fixtures in Manufacturing?

  What are CNC fixtures in manufacturing? A fixture is a work-holding or support device used in the manufacturing industry. CNC fixtures are used to securely locate and support the work, ensuring that all parts produced using the fixture will maintain conformity and interchangeability. Different types of fixtures are:   1.  Milling fixtures 2.  Turning fixtures 3.  Plate fixtures 4.  Welding fixtures 5.  Drilling fixtures   Let’s talk about them in detail   1.  Milling fixtures   Milling operations tend to involve large, straight cuts that produce many chips and involve varying force. Locating and supporting areas must usually be large and very sturdy in order to accommodate milling operations.   Important elements are:   Base  : A heavy base is the most important element of a milling fixture. It is a plate with a flat and smooth under face. The complete fixture is built up from this plate. Keys are provided...